Store Hours
Gartner Road: Mon-Thu: 10am-8pm | Fri: 10am-9pm | Sat: 9am-9pm | Sun: 10-6pm
Chicago Avenue: Mon-Fri: 11am-9pm | Sat: 10am-9pm | Sun: 12pm-6pm
Do you have a question, comment, suggestion or a wine tip to pass along to Peterson Wine Cellars or Peterson Spirits and Fine Wines? If you have a question or comment, please click here for Inquiry form.
If you have information or photos about wine, please send a detailed email to with your photos attached. If we find them of general interest to our customers, we will publish them on our website.
If you wish to send an old fashioned letter, fax us, or to us or speak to one of our staff, please use the following addresses and telephone numbers: