
Rum is a spirituous liquor made from fermented sugarcane products. Prepared by fermentation, distillation, and aging, it is made from the molasses and foam that rise to the top of boiled sugarcane juice. Rum, which is produced in Cuba, Brazil, Jamaica, Trinidad, Madagascar, Indonesia, Puerto Rico, and Barbados, is either light- or dark-bodied.

Light Bodied Rums

The light-bodied rums are drier and come from Spanish-influenced islands, such as Cuba and Puerto Rico.

Jamaica is generally thought of as the best producer of the dark, heavy-bodied rum. Naturally colorless, rum acquires by the addition of caramel a rich brown color deepened by storage in casks.

Hot rum drinks like grog, popular in areas with cold, damp climates, such as England, are made with dark rum. Light rum is popular in chilled summer drinks like daiquiris and Bacardi cocktails.

Rum has been produced in the United States from colonial times and was an economic factor in perpetuating the slave trade.

Bacardi "O" Puerto Rican Orange Rum Item Origin:Rum Bacardi Gold Puerto Rican Rum Item Origin:Rum Bacardi Light Puerto Rican Rum Item Origin:Rum
Bacardi Limon Puerto Rican Lemon Rum Item Origin:Rum Bacardi Silver Puerto Rican Rum Item Origin:Rum Bacardi Silver Puerto Rico Rum Item Origin:Rum
Captain Morgan Puerto Rican Item Origin:Rum Captain Morgan Puerto Rican Rum Item Origin:Rum Captain Morgan Private Stock Puerto Rican Rum Item Origin:Rum
Malibu Coconut Canada Coconut Rum Item Origin:Rum

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